Hey Love

Hey Love

This journey has been a long time coming. 


  This will be a Spirit led space of peace, raw emotions, advice, experiences, education, awareness and most importantly, LOVE. I'm writing to you from a brand new space in my life. A space I never dreamt for myself but a space that I'm learning to love every single day. 


   I'm Kiara! I'm a mom of two gorgeous children, and I'm not just saying that because I'm their mom. They recently got a modeling contract so my already full life, just busted into overflow. I am a Toxicologist, I majored in Forensic Chemistry, by choice, and I'm glad I did. It is the compliment of my true desire to become an Herbalist. Before children and COVID, I was a professional dancer and a Live Production Curator. 

My daughter was born just right before the COVID shut down, so my experience of being a first time mom was very different from anyone I had known. My second pregnancy was in the midst of COVID so that experience was also very different. 

I started the content of this blog during those times because although that was a scary and unpredictable time for all of us. I chose to look at the collateral beauty it created in my life. I was able to focus on just being a mom! I breastfed, cloth diapered, pureed fruits and veggies, made yogurt in my Instapot, made teething cookies, homeschooled and I did not miss one moment of my children's lives. 

Yes, it was challenging, lonely, emotional, scary and anxiety filled. However, when I think back to those times, it was as if we were in our own bubble. 

Store & Blog

  Which is how Amora's Promise was conceived. There were items I needed I did not know I needed until I needed them, thanks to FB Mom groups. There were items that were only available online that I needed immediately. There were items that were only available in limited quantities, and not because of COVID, that is how they are packaged. Then there were items that I needed that weren’t available at all!

I saw needs and now my mission is to fulfill those needs with products, education and resources through Amora’s Promise.

I will cover topics that are not popular to talk about or no one is talking about. I will cover topics that are fun and trendy but my purpose is to make sure that the “MOM” experience is covered as much as possible. Women have been birthing babies since the beginning of time, and yet in 2022 we can still create threads about “things no one tells you about pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum and breastfeeding.” This has to stop!

The Power of Our Testimony

I understand this is not a one size fits all experience and no one is going to read every piece of literature available on all things parenting however, no woman should be finding out important details during L&D or postpartum that they should’ve been taught during pregnancy. 

Yes, having a baby or babies is a wonderful experience for most but not for all, and it is traumatic! Everything changes! From the moment your conscious accepts what your body already knows, EVERYTHING CHANGES.  There is no real way to prepare anyone and everyone of the changes they will experience because EVERY pregnancy is different, even within the same woman. However, I honestly believe in the power of testimony or story- telling. 

When all else fails, go back to the basics. Story-telling was how traditions, recipes, secrets, and legacies were passed down from generation to generation. I’m not sure if the matriarchs stopped telling the stories or if we stopped listening but we need to get back to the basics. 

Midwives and doulas are resurfacing. I had never thought of using either when I thought of having a child before I was pregnant, and to be very honest, I did not really know what they did before I was pregnant. Thankfully, a good friend of mine was the director of a community program for women of color who offered those services and I said, YES. In my personal opinion, I had the best midwife and doula in the city! I learned so much from them and I still am. They are phenomenal women that I know Spirit assigned to me and my family. 

I labored at home with both my children and I had a home birth with my son. Again, things I never thought about before pregnancy and I would not have considered without my midwife and doula by my side. 

The Shared Desire of Motherhood

You’re probably thinking, ‘well, why would you think about these things before you’re pregnant?” 

Because I knew I wanted to be a mom! 

We think, dream and speak on what it would be like to be a mom but overlook the pregnancy, labor & delivery and postpartum portion of becoming a mom. For example, as far as I thought about pregnancy was how I was going to eat completely healthy and that I did not want to gain 60lbs. That’s it, that’s all. I had lists of names, I knew all the activities I wanted to do, I had envisioned family vacations, homeschooling, playdates, birthday party themes, all the things…

But nothing about the labor & delivery, postpartum or even breastfeeding. 

Those are intimate moments that not everyone is privy to and sometimes unless you are in those moments with the woman some of the experiences get lost.

Having a child is a journey and like all journeys there are smooth roads and there are rough roads. I created Amora’s Promise and Breathe PUSH. Heal to reduce the rough roads and to make the smooth roads much more enjoyable. 

I am excited about the content that is being released via Breathe.PUSH. Heal. and I cannot wait to hear the testimonies from the products. 

Until next time, 

Always take moments to Breathe. Always PUSH. Continuously Heal.

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